Oregon Ash Seedling Plug (Fraxinus latifolia)

Beautiful fast growing native western ash is long lived to 250 years and can attain heights up to 80 feet tall or more. Found wild from the southern BC coast down through western Washington, Oregon and in California's coastal mountains and the Sierra foothills. Likes moist conditions often growing in floodplains or near water. Beautiful golden fall color. Wood is great for tool handles, furniture and firewood.
(50 in stock)
Sales price $6.00
Price / kg:

Beautiful fast growing native western ash is long lived to 250 years and can attain heights up to 80 feet tall or more. Found wild from the southern BC coast down through western Washington, Oregon and in California's coastal mountains and the Sierra foothills. Likes moist conditions often growing in floodplains or near water. Beautiful golden fall color. Wood is great for tool handles, furniture and firewood.