American Beech (Fagus grandiflora) Seedling Plug

Native to the eastern United States and southeastern Canada American Beech is a large graceful dense tree that is said to be one of the grandest American forest and shade trees. The edible nuts are shiny brown, triangular and formed of 2 to 3 per husk. Good roasted and are relished by livestock and wildlife. Hardy zones 3a-9a
(23 in stock)
Sales price $6.00
Price / kg:

Native to the eastern United States and southeastern Canada American Beech is a large graceful dense tree that is said to be one of the grandest American forest and shade trees. The edible nuts are shiny brown, triangular and formed of 2 to 3 per husk. Good roasted and are relished by livestock and wildlife. Hardy zones 3a-9a