Wickson Crab Apple Scionwood

A large crab apple that is perfect for making cider with its sweet, spicy high acid flavor. Considered to be one of Albert Etters best apple introductions he named it after his friend E J Wickson a well known pomologist at the time..A very late ripening apple it makes excellent fresh eating and hangs on the tree for a long time. Low chill and hardy zones 5-10.
(only 1 in stock)
Sales price $5.00
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A large crab apple that is perfect for making cider with its sweet, spicy high acid flavor. Considered to be one of Albert Etters best apple introductions he named it after his friend E J Wickson a well known pomologist at the time..A very late ripening apple it makes excellent fresh eating and hangs on the tree for a long time. Low chill and hardy zones 5-10.