Arroyo Willow (Salix lasiolepis) Rooted Cutting Plug
Native to western North America from sea level up into the mountains. Grows as a small tree to large shrub, it can be coppiced and used to make traditional willow baskets. Native tribes also used it for a variety of medicinal uses and stripped the inner bark for making rope. Green bark and small pussy willow type flowers in the early spring make for a showy display. Excellent for bank stabilization and erosion control.
Native to western North America from sea level up into the mountains. Grows as a small tree to large shrub, it can be coppiced and used to make traditional willow baskets. Native tribes also used it for a variety of medicinal uses and stripped the inner bark for making rope. Green bark and small pussy willow type flowers in the early spring make for a showy display. Excellent for bank stabilization and erosion control.